On May 2, 1670, Charles II of England provided the Hudson Bay Company with a charter permitting them to conduct fur trading with merchants of London and the rights to a great amount of territory around Hudson Bay (in modern day Canada). The company consisted of French explorers and became a very successful operation. Even when the company lost it's fur trading monopoly in 1867 due to Canada's dominion status, it continued to remain to be one of the country's biggest corporations into the 1920s.[1]
Do you have a genealogical relationship to Charles II? How about the Hudson Bay Company employees? Did your ancestor work in the fur trade or one that is similar? Do you have ancestors from England, France or Canada?
Please tell Awes of Inheritance: Family History Services about your family history stories, they should be told. If you need help researching your family history, we will help you.
[1] "King Charles II grants charter to Hudson Bay Company," History.com editors, History (https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/hudsons-bay-company-chartered : accessed 2 May 2021), para. 3.